UPSC Books for Zoology Optional Subject
Mostly, the candidates holding a degree in the subject choose Zoology optional paper for the UPSC Civil Service Examination. The Best IAS books for reference for the candidates to perform well in the examination include:
Modern Zoology by Ramesh Gupta | Organic Evolution (Evolutionary Biology) by Veer Bala Rastogi |
Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology | Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology |
Cell Biology by CB Powar | Genetics by PK Gupta |
Modern Textbook of Zoology – Invertebrates by RL Kotpal | Modern Textbook Of Zoology: Vertebrates by RL Kotpal |
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry – David L Nelson | An Introduction to Embryology by AK Berry |
Ecology And Environment by PD Sharma | Applied & Economic Zoology by VB Upadhyay and GS Shukla |
Animal Behaviour by Reena Mathur |