
UPSC Books for Sociology optional Subject

Sociology is one of the easiest optional among UPSC optional subjects. Like other optional papers, the UPSC sociology optional paper has  two papers., paper 1 and paper 2, where Paper 1 deals with the fundamentals of Sociology and Paper 2 deals with the Indian Society, its structure and change. Along with the right UPSC strategies, the right IAS books for reference can help the candidate to score high marks in this paper. Here is the list of best reference books for Sociology optional subject.

Best IAS books for Sociology Optional Paper 1

Sociology – Anthony Giddens

Sociological Theory – Ritzer George

Sociology – Haralambos & Holborn

Sociology – Haralambos & Holborn

Sociological Thought – M Francis Abraham and John Henry Morgan

Political Theory – O P Gauba


Best IAS books for Sociology Optional Paper 2


Social Change in India – M N Srinivas

Caste Its Twentieth Century Avatar – M N Srinivas

Handbook of Indian Sociology – Veena Das

Indian Society and Culture – Nadeem Hasnain

Modernization of Indian Tradition – Yogendra Singh

Persistence and Change in Tribal India – M.V. Rao

Rural Sociology – S L Doshi

Social Background of Indian Nationalism – A R Desai