
UPSC Books for Philosophy Optional Subject

Philosophy optional subject for the UPSC examination requires extensive reading. Though it has a short syllabus, the paper has the potential to secure high scores in the UPSC optional paper. Paper 1 of the Philosophy optional paper deals with Indian and Western philosophy and paper 2 is extremely vast and contains similar themes of interest and deals with socio-political philosophy and philosophy of Religion. 


Best IAS books for Philosophy Optional Paper




History & Problems of Philosophy

  • A History of Philosophy by Frank Thilly
  • Survey of Indian Philosophy by C D Sharma
  • Indian Philosophy, A Counter Perspective by Dr Daya Krishna 
  • Indian Philosophy II Volume by Dr S. Radhakrishnan


  • Existentialism: A Reconstruction by David Cooper
  • Existentialism Is A Humanism by Jean-Paul

Indian Philosophy

  • An Introduction to Indian Philosophy- S Chatterjee
  • A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy- C Sharma

Western Philosophy

  • A History of Philosophy-Frank Thilly
  • A Critical History of Western Philosophy- Y Masih
  • Contemporary Western Philosophy- Dr B.K. Lal

Social-Political Philosophy

  • An Introduction to Political Theory by O P Gauba

Philosophy of Religion

  • Introduction to Religious Philosophy By Y Masih
  • Philosophy of Religion by John H. Hick