
India’s No.1 IAS Skill Development Course for school students
In today’s rapidly changing world, new age problems demand new age leaders equipped with innovative solutions. To effectively address the complex challenges of the 21st century, leaders must possess crucial skills such as critical thinking , creativity, and decision making. Interstingly, these very skills are also tested in the prestigious UPSC civil service examination. Recognizing the nees to nature such new age leaders, we introduce the Junior IAS Skill Development course.


    Next Gen

    Connecting School Syllabus with the Multi-dimensional UPSC Approach

    Cultivating Newspaper Reading Habits for a Well-rounded Education

    Equipping Future Leaders with 21st Century Skills as evnisaged by NEP 2020

    Course Features

    With 09 years of trust 300+ success stories including 

    Arya VM,IAS(AIR 36)













    Activities to Nature 21st Century Skills

    Curiosity led approach creates a nudge to read newspapers

    We've a hybrid model program